Benefits of Flexible Membership
- Flexible Members are eligible to maintain an official WHS (World Handicap System) handicap.
- Flexible members have access to all member bookings privileges i.e., 21 days in advance through the web site.
- Flexible Members are eligible to compete in Monthly Medals, mid-week Medals and Competitions organised by the professional. They are NOT eligible for “Board” competitions but are eligible to compete in all competitions organised by sections within the club. Please note that effective from 1st April 2023, any member that enters a knockout board competition as a full member but subsequently changes their membership category to a flexible member during the knockout stages IS entitled to continue in the competition. (See the Competitions page on this web site for full details of all competitions).
- Flexible Members may only use their points to play at Catterick GC and when selected to represent the club.
- Flexible Members have full use of all practice facilities (without use of points).
- Flexible Members may benefit from members' rates offered in the bar and restaurant.
- Flexible Members may represent the Club in competitions against other clubs but will forfeit the appropriate number of points for HOME games and AWAY games if a charge is made.
- Flexible Members are most welcome to join any societies within the club i.e., Rabbits, Seniors. (Points will be forfeited for any HOME rounds played as part of a society).
- Flexible Members may play in club exchange days.
Limitations of Flexible Membership
- There are limitations as well as benefits relating to this membership as follows:
- Flexible Members may NOT transfer their points to any other member or non-member.
- Points may not be carried over from one year to the next.
- Flexible Members are obliged to inform the Professional before playing in order that their account is updated. (NOTE: All players should report to the Professional's shop when open before play.) The “honesty” register in the starter’s hut at the first tee should be used in the event that the Professional's shop is closed and the clubhouse is closed.
- Should a Flexible Member elect to leave the club, they will forfeit any remaining points in their account.